Research Repository

L-ORIC Research Repository Research Repository

Research Repository

Research Repository

Faculty Publications

Department of Anesthesia

  1. Leena Ayub. 2023. Effectiveness of Stellate Ganglion Block in Pain Management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Type II of Upper Extremity. Journal of Anesthesia & Critical Care Medicine. 8(1):1-7. DOI: 10.23880/accmj-16000220
  2. Leena Ayub. 2022. POCUS: the anesthetist’s emerging stethoscope. 26(6): 736-738. https://doi.org/10.35975/apic.v26i6.2065

Department of Community Medicine

  1. Maqbool S, Daud S, Saad KA, Ahmad MS, Idrees B, Ejaz K. 2024. Pattern of fast food and sugar-sweetened beverages consumption among students of Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore. Life Sci. 5(2):9-14. DOI: http://doi.org/10.37185/LnS.1.1.621
  2. Omar N, Aslam I, Nadeem SM, Batool R, Navied U, Feroze MS. 2024. Challenges and barriers of online teaching: perspective of faculty in a private medical college of Lahore. Journal of University College of Medicine and Dentistry. 3(1):29-33.
  3. Maqbool S, Manzoor I, Dastgeer F, Asghar H, Khan HR, Ghazi F. 2024. Birth preparedness and complication readiness among women of child bearing age in peri urban areas of Lahore. Annals of Punjab Medical College. 18(1):16-21. DOI: 10.29054/APMC/2024.1475
  4. Maqbool S, Manzoor I, Amjad MU, Ali MS, Ramzan MR, Tariq MN. 2024. Computer vision syndrome among college students: an emerging health issue of current era. Pakistan Journal of Public Health. 14(1):8-13. DOI:10.32413/pjph.v14i1.1306
  5. Shaheen L, Mumtaz A, Dar R, Maqbool S. 2023. Reference values of beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) and pregnancy associated placental protein-a (papp-a) among women aged 20–40 years at 9-10 weeks of normal gestation. Rawal Medical Journal. 48(3):707-710.
  6. Maqbool S, Manzoor I, Humayun B, Majeed E, Aftab F, Ansar A. 2023. Knowledge about COVID-19 and perception of the role of media among non-medical students. Life and Science. 4(2):98-104. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37185/LnS.1.1.282
  7. Shan H, Hassan U, Zulfiqar R, Jaffry TN, Shan M, Maqbool S. 2023. knowledge and hand hygiene behavior during COVID-19 pandemic in adolescents of Rawalpindi, Pakistan: a call for policymaking in health literacy. Journal of Health Literacy. 8(1):9-18.  DOI: 10.22038/jhl.2022.68247.1359
  8. Shan H, Maqbool S, Zulfiqar R, Shan M, Baber M, Jaffry TN. 2023. Assessing rabies knowledge and practice from a one health lens in healthcare professionals in Sargodha district, Pakistan: A zero by 2030 approach. Journal of University Medical and Dental College. 14(1):549-555. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37723/jumdc.v14i1.787
  9. Iram M, Daud S, Anjum M, Zia MA, Danial MA, Abubakar M. 2023. Perceptions of fourth year MBBS students regarding online learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Pak J Med Health Sci. 17(2):40-42. DOI: 10.53350/pjmhs202317240
  10. Hussain R, Arif M, Ayub S, Daud S. 2022. Knowledge and practice about COVID-19 among medical students. Pak J Med Health Sci. 16(5): 80–83. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216580
  11. Mirza H, Rasheed R, Zaman F, Javed S, Fatima S. 2022. Sleeping trends and academic performance among medical students. Pak J Med Health Sci. 16(6): 34-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216634
  12. Mirza H, Sabir F, Tariq FJ. 2022. Trends in Milk & Dairy products consumption in 4th year MBBS students and assessing their bone densities. Pak J Med Health Sci. 16(7):205-208. DOI: 10.53350/pjmhs22168205
  13. Navied U, Arshad S, Ahmed U, Hameed A. 2022. The Quality of Life amongst Caregivers of Cancer Patients at Tertiary Care Centers in Lahore, Pakistan. Biomedica. 36(2):177-182.
  14. Navied U, Sarmad R. 2022. Perception of the Quality of Life amidst HIV/Aids Positive Individuals in Tertiary Care Hospitals of Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(05):84-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216584
  15. Navied U. 2022. Assessment of the Quality of Life of HIV Positive Individuals in Tertiary Care Hospitals using WHOQOL-BREF Questionnaire. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(03):193-196. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22163193
  16. Maqbool S, Manzoor I, Farman T, Arshad T, Fatima Z, Arshad U. 2022. Impact of COVID-19 on mental health of pregnant women in Punjab, Pakistan. Pak J Med Health Sci. 16(10):166-169. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs221610166
  17. Manzoor I, Joya AM, Qureshi I, Yousaf MF, Shahid MF, Mubariz M, Maqbool S. 2022. Maternal knowledge and practices for prevention of acute diarrheal diseases in children under 5 years of age. Journal of University College of Medicine and Dentistry. 1(2):14-19.
  18. Maqbool S, Shan H, Qureshi I, Shaheen L. 2022. Barriers to use contraceptive methods among post abortion clients in Sargodha, Pakistan: a qualitative study. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 22(1):220-226. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37268/mjphm/vol.22/no.1/art.1397
  19. Shan H, Maqbool S, Jaffry TN, Hassan U, Shan M, Gilani R. 2022. Impact of educational intervention on the knowledge of epidemiology, prevention and control of rabies among paramedical students, Taxilla. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. 72(1):264-267. DOI https://doi.org/10.51253/pafmj.v72i1.7314

Department of Medical Education

  1. Sohail Anjum, Sarah Hafeez Malik, Nighat Nadeem, Sohail Bashir Sulehria. 2024. Analysis of Efficacy of Metformin in Pregnant Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). The Professional Medical Journal – Vol. 31, Issue No. 5, 817-820. https://doi.org/10.29309/TPMJ/2024.31.05.8075
  2. Naila Asad, Nighat Nadeem. 2023. Assessment of Learning Styles in Final Year Medical Students: Comparison of Private and Government Medical College. Esculapio – Vol. 19, Issue 01, 67 – 71. https://doi.org/10.51273/esc23.2519114
  3. Tabeer Malik, Nighat Nadeem, M. Nadeem Aslam, Neha Nadeem, Naina Nadeem. 2022. LIFT vs Fistulectomy: A Retrospective Cohort Study. PJMHS Vol. 16(9), 55-57. https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216955
  4. Qudsia Umaira Khan, Amna Nadeem, Muallah, Nighat Nadeem, Maryam Rao, Junaid Sarfraz. 2022. Challenges faced by Working Mothers and Housewives during Online Education of their Children. PJMHS. 16(6). https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22166201
  5. Shakila Mushtaq, Alina Saeed, Azka Yaseen, Saria Khalid, Rizwana Kamran and Salar Arsalan (2023). Enhancing Clinical Skills through Video: An Innovative Health Professions Educational Tool. Med. Forum. 34(6), 68-72. Web page: https://medforum.pk/article/16enhancing-clinical-skills-through-video-an-innovative-health-professions-educational-tool

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  1. Fariha Aslam Bajwa, Nayyer Sultana, Ameelia Sadaqat, Abida Riaz, Mirza Zeeshan Sikandar. 2024. Factors contributing to preterm birth in patients presenting at tertiary care hospitals in Punjab. Journal of Pakistan medical association. 74(3), 504-508. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.9474
  2. Shamsa Arshad Butt, Ameelia Sadaqat, Amal Rana, Tahreem Khan, Muhammad Shoaib Nabi, Rabia Afzal, Sadaf Saddiq. 2024. Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications In Health Care Workers. Journal of Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College. 6(1), 29-38. https://doi.org/10.51127/JAMDCV06I01CR05
  3. Ameelia Sadaqat, Sana Sattar, Irem Rasheed, Anaab Wasim, Muhammad Shoaib Nabi, Tayyiba Wasim. 2024. Physicians perspective of breaking bad News-Spikes Protocol. Journal of Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College. 6(2), 70-76. https://doi.org/10.51127/JAMDCV06I02OA05
  4. Mahnoor Jathol, Irem Rasheed, Ameelia Sadaqat, Amal Rana, Rameen Arshad, Waleed Ahmad, Sadaf Saddiq. 2024. Perception of medical students regarding gender discrimination in their learning environment. Esculapio. 20(2), 156-160. https://doi.org/10.51273/esc24.25132022
  5. Ayesha Saif, Nabeela Shami. 2023. Prophylactic Chemotherapy for the Prevention of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia – A descriptive study at a tertiary care hospital. PJMHS. 17(2), 30-32. https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs202317230
  6. Ameelia Sadaqat, Saira Rathore, Nayyer Sultana, Rashida Mushtaq, Sanam Mahmood. 2022. How accurate are the clinical and biochemical markers in predicting histological chorioamnionitis after PPROM. Esculapio. 18(4), 516-520. https://doi.org/10.51273/esc22.2518424
  7. Rabia Afzal, Shaista Jabeen, Amna Batool, Rizwana Afzal, Ameelia Sadaqat. 2023. Comparison of Short Term and Long Term Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Elective Lower Segment Cesarean Section. Esculapio. 19(4), 390-393. https://doi.org/10.51273/esc23.25131943
  8. Natasha Bushra, Javeria Zunair, Lamia yousaf, Ameelia Sadaqat. 2023. Comparative efficacy of manual vacuum aspiration and medical termination in first trimester miscarriage. Esculapio. 19(1), 116-119. https://doi.org/10.51273/esc23.2519124

Department of Medicine

  1. Ayesha Waheed, Talha Ghafoor Sial, Mehrin Farooq, Shamail Zafar. 2024. Colonoscopy: A Clinical Audit of Indications and Diagnosis. A 5-year Data Analysis in a Tertiary Care Centre. J Pak Soc Intern Med. 5(2): 488-91. DOI: https://doi.org/10.70302/jpsim.v5i2.2427  
  2. Mehrin Farooq, Shamail Zafar. 2024. Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Clinical Audit of Indications and Diagnosis. A 5-Year Data Analysis of Tertiary Care Centre. J Pak Soc Intern Med. 2024;5(3): 587-590.
  3. Kazmi SKS, Farooq M, Iftikhar I, Fatima N, Shahzad M, Ijaz AU, Khalid H. 2024. Association of Hypomagnesemia with Diabetic Complications. Cureus. 20;16(3):e56605.
  4. Anandh, U., Noorin, A., Kazmi, S.K.S. et al. Acute kidney injury in critically ill COVID-19 infected patients requiring dialysis: experience from India and Pakistan. BMC Nephrol 23, 308 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12882-022-02931-3 https://bmcnephrol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12882-022-02931-3
  5. Waheed A et al. 2022. Evaluation of liver function test abnormalities in patients having COVID-19 according to severity of disease. Int J Res Med Sci. 10(8):1623-1628.DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20221970.
  6. Qureshi SS, Amer W, Zunair J, Beg BM. 2022. Family history – An indicator for developing type 2 diabetes at earlier age. Esculapio – JSIMS [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 30 [cited 2023 Oct. 3];18(4):432-6. Available from: https://esculapio.pk/journal/index.php/journal-files/article/view/124
  7. Munaza Khattak , Mehrin Farooq , Syed Khurram Shehzad Kazmi , Muhammad Saeed , Muhammad Usman Sheikh , Muhammad Shuaib. 2022. Correlation between Chest Radiographic Findings, Sputum Bacterial Load, and Treatment Outcomes in Extensively Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Patients. Pakistan Journal of Chest Medicine 28(3).
  8. Kazmi S, Kambhampati C, Cleland JGF, Cuthbert J, Kazmi KS, Pellicori P, Rigby AS, Clark AL. 2022. Dynamic risk stratification using Markov chain modelling in patients with chronic heart failure. ESC Heart Fail. 9(5):3009-3018. doi: 10.1002/ehf2.14028
  9. Nabiha Rizvi, Iqra Iftikhar, Ali Abbas, Mehrin Farooq, Syed Khurram Shehzad Kazmi, Waseem Amir. 2022. Incidence of gastroenteritis induced acute renal failure and its associated risk factors. PJMHS. 16(12). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs20221612837

Department of Orthopedics

  1. Ilyas MS, Shah A, Zehra U, Ismail M, Elahi H, Aziz A. 2024 Effectiveness and safety of preoperative distraction using modified halo-pelvic Ilizarov distraction assembly in patients with severe kyphoscoliosis. Asian Spine Journal.
  2. Hazrat Akbar, Umar Faheem, Bilal Hassan Khan, Zaigham Bajwa, Farasat Umar, Sajid Hussain, Zain Naseer , Asad Riaz, Syed Saifullah Shah and Nadeem Siraj. 2024. Comparison of the functional outcome of Philos Plate external fixator in the management of proximal humerus fracture; World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews. 23(01), 1795–1801.
  3. Zain Muhammad, Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Usama and Rizwan Akram. 2024. Lumber Intradural Disc Herniations: Literature Review and Our Experience: JCPSP Case Reports. 2(1), 1-3.
  4. Irfan Ali Shujah, Umair Nadeem, Muhammad Imran, Jawad ul Haq , Atiq uz Zaman, Sadaf Saddiq, Amer Aziz. 2024. Comparison of Radiological Outcome of Open Reduction in Unilateral VS Bilateral DDH: J Pak Orthop. Assoc. 36 (2).
  5. Muhammad Naveed, Zain Muhammad, Atif Ali, Farrukh Bashir, Ammar Dogar, Rehman Ali, Shahzad Javed. 2024. Frequency of wound infection after total knee replacement surgery: Pak J Surg. 39(4):191-196.
  6. Hanan Akbar, Ajay Kumar, Zaigum Bajwa, Zain Naseer, Farrukh Bashir, Faisal Karim, Ammar Hafeez Dogar, Shahzad Javed. 2024 Outcomes in terms of pain relief and early return to work in patients with lumbar disc excision through interlaminar endoscopic technique: Pak J Surg. 39(4):197-201.
  7. Muhammad Naveed, Imtiaz Muhammad, Atif Ali, Zain Muhammad, Zeeshan Faisal, Rizwan Akram. 2024. Effectivity of open discectomy in lumbar prolapsed intervertebral disease in terms of pain relief: A prospective analysis: Pak J Surg. 39(4):206-211.
  8. Irfan Ali Shujah, Vikash Singh, Atiq uz Zaman, Muhammad Shoaib, Umair Nadeem. 2024. Modified Trap Door Procedure with Arthrodiastasis for Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head; J Pak Orthop. Assoc. 36(1).
  9. Asim HM, Vaz A, Mansoori S, Ahmed A, Akram R, Sadiq S, Hussain H, Aziz A. 2023. Designing of Questionnaire for Factors That Impact Student Learning Outcomes in Tertiary Education System: An Analysis from Pakistan. International Education Studies. 16(1):17-23
  10. Jawad ul haq, Imtiaz Muhammad, Faisal Karim, Dr Usama Ali Nawazish, Umair Nadeem, Zubair Khalid, Dr Haseeb Elahi, Attique uz Zaman. 2023. A Modification of Curtis and Fisher Quadricepsplasty: An Effective Management Option for Debilitating Congenital Quadriceps Contracture and Associated Knee Dislocations: MAR Orthopedics & Trauma. 5(4).
  11. Zehra U, Ilyas MS, Latif R, Imran S, Ahmad I, Aziz A. 2023. MRI Phenotypes of Herniated Discs Associated with Adjacent Disc Degeneration. Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
  12. Sameh M Abolfotouh, Mohamed Khattab, Atiq Uz Zaman, Omar Alnori, Alaa Zakout, Faisal Konbaz, Tarek El Hewala, Ghazwan Hassan, Sami Al Eissa, Mostafa A Abolfotouh. 2023. Epidemiology of postoperative spinal wound infection in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: North American Spine Society Journal. 14 (2023) 100222
  13. Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Umer Faheem, Haseeb Hussain, Zain Muhammad, Ammar Dogar and Shahzad Javed. 2023. Arthroscopic Stabilisation in Anterior Shoulder Instability: An Analysis of Mid-term Outcome: JCPSP. 33(11), 1283-1287.
  14. Atiq Uz Zaman. 2023. Biology is not mathematics: The importance of individualized treatment in orthopaedic: JPOA. 35(3).
  15. Nawazish UA, Shakoor N, Khalid Z, ul Haq J, Ahmad U. 2023. Comparing Mean time to walk in Children having shaft of femur Fracture Treated with Titanium Elastic Nail Versus Hip Spica Cast. Journal of MAR Orthopedics. 5(2).
  16. Abdullah Wali, Khadeej Chaudhry, Haseeb Hussain, Usama Ali Nawazish, Sadaf Saddiq, Rizwan Akram. 2023. A review on functional outcomes of intra-articular distal humerus fractures treated with recon plate using Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS). The Professional Medical Journal. 30(10).
  17. Ajay Kumar, Zain Naseer, Zameer Abbas, Haseeb Elahi , Haseeb Hussain, Muhammad Ikram. 2023. Outcome of split-thickness skin graft (STSG) in complex orthopaedic trauma. 30(10).
  18. Rahman Ali, Anas Ilyas, Hizbullah Riaz, Umer Faheem, Junaid Khan, Naeem Ahmed, Amir Aziz. 2023. Outcome of the distal radius fractures managed with across wrist external fixator vs buttress plate. J Ayub Med College Abbottabad. 35(1).
  19. Jemal Girma, Hannan Akbar, M. Muazzam, Hazrat Akbar, M. Ali Ayub, Anum Hafeez. 2023. Assessment of knee pain and knee range of motion (ROM) in distal third femur shaft fractures managed with retrograde (RG) intramedullary locking nail: A Retrospective study. Professional Med J. 30(09):1084-1090.
  20. Umar F, Khan BH, Naseer MZ, Hussain H. 2022. Transaxillary Approach for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Case Report. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(8):437-442
  21. .Qazi F, Zaheer M, Khalid Z, Sadaqat HI, Hafeez MU. 2022. Comparison of Frequency of Union with Percutaneous Intramedullary Kirschner Wire versus Interfragmentary Screw Fixation in Displaced Extra-articular Metacarpal Fractures. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sci. 16(11):253-.
  22. Khalid Z, Qazi F, Zaheer M, Sadaqat HI, Hafeez MU. 2022. Outcome of Interfragmentary Screw Fixation in Displaced Extra-Articular Metacarpal Fractures. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(11):259-.
  23. Ali M, Khan MM, Ahmad U, Jadoon A. 2022. Frequency of Radial Nerve Palsy in Patients with Closed Traumatic Humeral Shaft Fracture in High Energy Trauma Cases. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(6):758-.
  24. Muazzam MA, Ali A. 2022. Prevalence of Intertrochanteric Fractures in Young Population with Hip Fractures Presented in Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(6):727-.
  25. Ayub MA, Ahmad AI, Ansari HR, Aziz MO, Akram R, Aziz A, Ahmed A. 2022. An Overview of Rate of Infection and Mortality in Femur Fracture Patients and its Fixation during Covid-19 Pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(5):69-.
  26. Rashid U, ur Rehman Z, Khalil S, Ansari HR, Ayub MA, Aziz O, Aziz AJ. 2022. Posterior Dislocation Of The Hip Joint Due To Trauma In Children: A Three-Case Series. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(6):210-.
  27. Waheed Altaf, Sarmad Khalil, Muhammad Arslan, Naeem Ahmed, Atiq uz Zaman, Amer Aziz:  Ashfaq Ahmed. 2022. A Five year Audit of Different Paediatric Bony Lesions presented to a Tertiary Care Hospital. JPak Orthop. Assoc. 34 (1).
  28. Khurram Bashir, Nadeem Sabir, Zia-Ur-Rehman, Muhammad omar Aziz, Malik Ahsan Attaawan, Ammar Dogar, Umair Nadeem, Amer Aziz. 2022. Comparative Analysis of Pulmonary Function Impairment in Adolescent Idiopathic vs. Congenital Scoliosis. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(1).
  29. AbidUllah , Nadeem Sabir , Hizbulla hRiaz Ansari , Malik Ahsan Atta , Mohammad Omer Aziz , AtiqUz Zaman , Amer Aziz. 2022. Outcome of Decompression Alone Versus Decompression Plus Transpedicular Screw Fixation in the Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Spine Stenosis. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(1).
  30. Umair Nadeem, Atif Ali, Nayab Shakoor, Jawad Hafeez, Majid Zaheer, Zubair Khalid, Amer Aziz. 2022. Lead the way or leave the way: Early experience of management of emergency pelvi-acetabular surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan. Professional Med J. 29(3):291-296.

Department of Pathology

  1. Shafique A, Ur Rehman A, Ibnerasa S. 2024. Case-based learning in undergraduate orthodontic education: A cross sectional study. 14(29). https://doi.org/10.12688/mep.20096.2
  2. Nazia Ahmad, Ayesha Gondal, Hafiza Fajar Shabbir, Tooba Fateen, Muhammad Rizwan. 2024. Frequency and severity of iron deficiency anemia in females of childbearing age. Pak Postgrad MedJ. 35(1): 31-34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51642/ppmj.v35i01.646  
  3. Saima Ishtiaq, Sonia Tahir, Muhammad Waqas Abbas, Haider Ali, Saima Syed, Fatima Kareem. 2024. In Vitro Efficacy of Imipenem/Relebactam Against Imipenem Resistant Gram-Negative Strains Isolated from a Tertiary Care Hospital. Pak Armed Forces Med J. 74(1): 94 https://doi.org/10.51253/pafmj.v74i1.9901
  4. Rohail Razzaq, Muhammad Hamza Khan, Hafiza Fajar Shabbir, Nimra Tauseef, Sadiqa Arshad. 2024. Role of clinicoradiological correlation in evaluation of various demyelinating disorders: A Systematic review. Developmental Medico Life-Sciences. 1(4):52-71. https://doi.org/10.69750/dmls.01.04.041
  5. Yasir Shabbir, Aisha Hameed, Rabia Chaudhry , Quratul Ain Ahmad , Uzma Waseem and Sajid Hameed. 2024. Diagnostic Significance and Association of Reticulin Fibrosis in Benign Hematologic Disorders. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 5(08). DOI: https:/ doi.org/10.54393/pjhs.v5i08.1670
  6. Muhammad Ali Rauf, Rabia Chaudhry, Nida Rauf, Asad Aziz, Khalid Farooq. 2024. Epiploic Appendagitis : a Case Report. PJR. 34(1): 41-44.
  7. Sunia Qasuria Khan , Muhammad Kaleem Khan , Samreen Asghar , Maleeha Zia Mufti, Nisar Ahmed , Anila Farid. 2024. Thrombocytopenia in Neonates Prevalence Rates and Contributing Factors. AfrJ.Bio.Sc. 6(14) https://doi.org/10.48047/AFJBS.6.14.2024.7807-7814
  8. Zara Sagheer, Habib Ahmad, Sadia Butt, Zeeshan Qamar,Umber Sattar, Zarian Khan. 2023. Study of maternal and neonatal variables affecting the thyroid stimulating hormones levels in neonates. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology. 30(18), 1692-1698. https://doi.org/10.53555/jptcp.v30i18.3339
  9. Maria Abdul Salam ,Adeel Ahmad, Fauzia Sadiq, Tehreem Fatima Tariq, Nohman Rasheed, Mehtab Ali Shah, Muhammad Aarab, Madeeha Anwar,Muhammad Khurram. 2023. Assessment of phytochemical and pharmacognostic properties of flowers of Achyranthens Aspera. https://doi.org/10.53555/jptcp.v30i17.3727
  10. Khaloud Tariq, Waheed Azfar, Zakia Saleem, Fadia Asghar, Shazia Ibnerasa. 2023. A qualitative study on effectiveness and acceptance of virtual small group discussion (SGD’s) amongst dental students. Rawal Medical Journal. 48(2), 497-530. https://www.rmj.org.pk/fulltext/27-1654499804.pdf?1726474864
  11. Fauzia Sadiq, Asad Amin, Taha Tariq, Javeria Ahmed, Azan Ali, Shazia I Rasa. 2023. Pathology teaching learning methods –students ’perception and feedback. International Journal of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences. 4(1), 47-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56536/ijpihs.v4i1.66
  12. Maimoona Aslam, Khadija Aftab, Shazia N. Ibnerasa. 2023. Schwannoma in Retroperitoneum- A Frequent Tumor At An Infrequent Location. IJSDR 2023; 8 (1) 513 – 516. https://www.ijsdr.org/viewpaperforall.php?paper=IJSDR2301085
  13. Rizwan, Nazia Farooq, Hira Tariq, Ahmad Naeem Akhtar, Shazia. N Ibne-Rasa, Sumaira Naz. 2022. To Study the Association of Cyclin D1 Expression with Fuhrman’s Nuclear Grading in Renal Cell Carcinoma. PJMHS. 16(7), 96-97.DOI:https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216796
  14. Ammar Arshad, Ch Adnan Ahmed Ather, Sohail Bashir Sulehria, Saadia Choudhary, Maria Rehman, Zara Mehmood. 2023. Frequency of Hyperthyroidism in patients of Atrial Fibrillation. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 17(1), 73-73. DOI: 10.53350/pjmhs202317173
  15. Sonia Tahir, Kiran Fatima, Hina Javed, Nazia Ahmed, Sidrah Saleem, Saadia Chaudary. 2023. Antimicrobial Sensitivity Trends of Carbapenem Resistant Acinetobacter Baumaniiin Convalescents of Ventilator Associated Pneumonitis and other Specimens. 16 (6): 167-9.
  16. Sila Imtiaz, Sidrah Saleem, Irfan Ahmad, Muhammad Imran, Sahar Imtiaz, Saadia Chaudary. 2022. Role of Biofilm Formation in Mediation of Drug Resistance in E. Coli. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(6):155-160. DOI:  53350/pjmhs22166155
  17. Rehma Dar, Rabia Butt, Fauzia Sadiq, Mazhar Fareed, Lubna Shaheen, Maham Shakoor. 2022. Study the Pattern of D-Dimers, HS CRP and Ferritin in Covid-19 Patients. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(9):36-38. DOI:10.53350/pjmhs2216936
  18. Sadiq F. 2022. Online Learning Era. Journal of Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College. 4(1): 1-2. https://doi.org/10.51127/JAMDCV4I1editorial  
  19. Zahid Mahmood Akhtar, Rabia Altaf, Muhammad Shahbaz Amin, Seema Butt. 2022. Relationship of Nottingham Prognostic Index with Prognostic Parameters of Breast Carcinoma. P J M H S. 16(6). 26-28. DOI:https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216626
  20. Nazia Farooq, Ahmad Naeem Akhtar, Muhammad Rizwan, Sonia Tahir, Hira Tariq, Anam Tariq. 2023. A Retrospective Analysis on Prevalence of Multiple Myeloma in Young patients with presentation of Backache. PJMHS 2022; 17 (2): 38-39 DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs202317238    
  21. Sonia Tahir, Kiran Fatima, Hina Javed, Nazia Ahmed, Sidrah Saleem, Saadia Chaudary. 2023. Antimicrobial Sensitivity Trends of Carbapenem Resistant Acinetobacter Baumaniiin Convalescents of Ventilator Associated Pneumonitis and other Specimens. PJMHS. 16 (6): 167-9. DOI:https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22166167  
  22. Sahar Imtiaz, Sidrah Saleem, Sonia Tahir, Muhammad Imran, Shah Jahan, Sila Imtiaz. 2023. Fluconazole Resistance in C. Tropicalis by Broth Microdilution Method and to compare the relative gene expression of erg11 gene in both Fluconazole Resistant and Sensitive C Tropiocalis. PJMHS 2022; 17 (5): 61-63.DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs202317561
  23. Nazia Farooq, Ahmad Naeem Akhtar, Muhammad Rizwan, Sonia Tahir, Hira Tariq, Anam Tariq. 2022. A Retrospective Analysis on Prevalence of Multiple Myeloma in Young patients with presentation of Backache. 17(2): 38-39
  24. Sonia Tahir, Kiran Fatima, Hina Javed, Nazia Ahmed, Sidrah Saleem, Saadia Chaudary. 2022. Antimicrobial Sensitivity Trends of Carbapenem Resistant Acinetobacter Baumaniiin Convalescents of Ventilator Associated Pneumonitis and other Specimens. PJMHS. 16 (6): 167-9.DOI:https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22166167
  25. Rizwan, Nazia Farooq, Hira Tariq, Ahmad Naeem Akhtar, Shazia. N Ibne-Rasa, Sumaira Naz. 2022. To Study the Association of Cyclin D1 Expression with Fuhrman’s Nuclear Grading in Renal Cell Carcinoma. PJMHS. 16(7), 96-97.DOI:https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216796
  26. Maimoona Aslam, Khadija Aftab, Shazia N. Ibnerasa. 2023. Schwannoma in Retroperitoneum- a frequent tumor at an infrequent location. IJSDR. 8 (1), 513 – 516. https://www.ijsdr.org/viewpaperforall.php?paper=IJSDR2301085
  27. Saadia Chaudhry. 2022. Carbapenem resistant acinetobacter baumanii in convalescents of ventilator associated pneumonitis and other specimens. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(6):167-169. https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22166167
  28. Muhammad Shahbaz Amin. 2022. Frequency of hypokalemia in chronic liver disease. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(1). https://Doi.Org/10.53350/Pjmhs22161127
  29. Maimoona Aslam. 2022. Frequency of Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Activated B-cell type. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(1): 29-32.
  30. Maimoona Aslam. 2022. Frequency of expression of D240 in Dermatofibroma—A diagnostic study. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(1): 37-39.

Department of Pharmacology

  1. Murad S, Zafar H. Tanveer, Qudoos A, Fatima A, Firdous A, Iqbal M. 2024. Apricots contain vitamin A, Beta carotene, potassium and phytosterols: treatment for oxidative stress. South Asian Res J Pharm Sci. 6(1):1-4
  2. Murad S, Zafar H. Tanveer, Qudoos A, Fatima A, Firdous A, Iqbal M. 2024. Effects of herbs on blood pressure, diabetes millitis and hyperlipidemia. Middle East Res J. harm Sci. 4(1):1-5
  3. Murad, S., Hassni MA, Tanveer, ZH, Majeed F, Fatima A, Firdous A, Samreen S, Musawwir UA. 2024. Fenugreek leaves and lemon are mild to moderately effective hypolipidemic herbs to lower total plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDC cholesterol in primary and secondary hyperlipidemic patients. Middle East Res J Pharm Sci. 4(1): 22-26.
  4. Khan M, Khan MHUH, Khan MF, Ahmad SA, Baloch S, Asim S. 2024. Bleomycin induced flagellate dermatitis in a patient with non-seminoma germ cell tumour with bilateral undescended testes. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad [Internet]. [cited 2024 Sep 9];36(2):427–https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/jamc/index.php/jamc/article/view/12206
  5. Irum Z, Hassan A, Ahmad F, Perveen F, Firdous A, Yousaf. 2023. Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of ethanolic extract of Ficus carica fruit. PJMHS. 1
  6. Khan M, Naeem S B, Asim S, Jhattial M A, Siddiqui N.2022. Outcomes of Hereditary Breast-Ovarian Cancer Syndrome: A single center experience: P J M H S. 16(6) https://pjmhsonline.com/index.php/pjmhs/article/view/1389
  7. Rashid W, Asim S, Rashid S, Rafique S, Aziz R S, Iftikhar S, Rashid M, Yasir A. 2023. Antioxidant and Anti-Mutagenic Potential of Mint (Mentha Arvensis) and its Chemical Characterization by HPLC. P J M H S. 17(4). https://www.pjmhsonline.com/index.php/pjmhs/article/view/4865
  8. Qubtia M, Khan M, Hasnat ul Hassan M, Baloch S, Asim S. 2023. Role of Antibiotic Prophylaxis and GCSF Support in Preventing Systemic Anticancer Therapy-Associated Toxicities in HIV Infected Cancer Patients: A Case Series. P J M H S. 17(5). https://pjmhsonline.com/index.php/pjmhs/article/view/4873
  9. Rashid W, Asim S, Rashid S, Rafique S. 2023. Antioxidant and Anti-Mutagenic Potential of Mint (Mentha Arvensis) and its Chemical Characterization by HPLC. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 17(4).
  10. Ullah N, Naeem BS, Jhatial AM, Wahab A, Shahid R, Khan M, Asim S, Siddiqui N. 2023. Clinicopathological Features and Prognosis of Primary Breast Sarcoma: A Single Centre Retrospective Study. J Islamabad Med Dental Coll. 12(4):327-333.DOI: https://doi.org/10.35787/jimdc.v12i4.1087    
  11. Mehmood H, Seema S, Masood S, Kapoor A, Firdous A, Murad S. The Choleretic activity of black seed: health. PHARMACY AND DRUG INNOVATIONS;3(4); DOI: http//doi.org 03.2022/1.1051 
  12. Murad S, Firdous A, Mehmood H, Seema S, Shafique. A. 2022. Plants For Problem Solution: Therapeutics World J PHARMACOL TEXICOL. 5(3).
  13. Seema S, Mehmood H, Kapoor A, Masood S, Firdous A, Murad S. For liver. 2022. Herbs in Pakistani population, J. Blood Disorder. 9(1):1069

Department of Physiology

  1. Khalid A, Ali Z, Nazir S, Iram S, Saeed KH, Khalid Z, Noor Z, Malik Z, Sadiq A, Javed M & Nohman S. 2024. Factors affecting the decision of students while choosing medical profession as a career. J. Xi’an Shiyou Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 20(06), 494-496.
  2. Ali Z, Zafar U, Zaki S, Asrar A, Naeem FJ, Huda N. 2024. Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Depression in Teaching Faculty of Basic Sciences at a Private Medical College: A Cross Sectional Correlational Study. Annals of Punjab Medical College. 18(1), 6-10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29054/apmc/2024.1443
  3. Syeda Zehra Ahmed , Fouzia Shaikh , Shumaila Usman , Akhtar Ali, Haroon ur Rasheed, Asma Akram. 2024. Implications of CLEC3B as a Prognostic Marker in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Annals ASH & KMDC. 29(3), 208-214. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58397/ashkmdc.v29i3.803
  4. Ibne Rasa SM, Ahmad D, Hasan M, Raza Khan AH, Farhan M, Effan F. 2024. Knowledge of BRCA gene among young Pakistani adults: A short report. J Pak Med Assoc. 74(7):1325-1329. doi: 10.47391/JPMA.9804
  5. Mian Muhammad Faizan, Asma Akram, Faiza Usman, Zulfiqar Ali, Saira Akhlaq, Usman. 2024. Patient Esthetics and Functional Satisfaction with Complete Denture Therapy. JIIMC. 19(1), 44-47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.57234/jiimc.march24.1861
  6. Asma Akram, Mian Muhammad Faizan, Zulfiqar Ali, Shamaila Ejaz, Faiza Usman, Saira Akhlaq. 2024. Determination of Curve of Spee in Healthy Permanent Dentition and Its Application in Complete Denture Wearers. JIIMC. 19(2), 98-102. DOI: doi.org/10.57234/jiimc.june24.2018
  7. Zafar U, Ali Z, Tauseef A, Khaliq S. 2023. Comparative Analysis of Serum Adiponectin and its Genetic Polymorphisms in Metabolic Syndrome and Healthy Group-an Observational Study. Pakistan J Zool. 1-9. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/20230124100125
  8. Khalid A, Shahzad M, Nazir S, Wali SQ, Shahid A, Asrar A, Noman S, Ahmed SM. 2023. Use of caffeinated drinks and anxiety in first-year medical students. Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition. 19(12), 604-607
  9. Zafar U, Haque MU, Naeem J, Sufyan M, Naeem MU. 2023. Blood Pressure and anthropometry obesity indices in first professional medical students at a private medical college of Pakistan-a cross-sectional study. Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health Research. 4(1). DOI: 20473/jcmphr.v4i1.41823
  10. Ali Z, Zafar U, Tauseef A, Zaki S, Khaliq S. 2023. Micro RNA 182-3-p, 519-d-5p, 378-3p as non-invasive predictors of preeclampsia. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 35(3):432–6 (18) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373690407
  11. Nazir S, Nazir I, Khalid A, Ali L, Sabir T, Jami AS, Tariq S, Ahmad W. 2023. Assessment of cognitive functions in relation to nutrition status of medical students at Lahore Medical and Dental College. NeuroQuantology. 21(6 |Page 1281-1290| doi: 10.48047/nq.2023.21.6.NQ23131
  12. Naseer MK, Faisal S, Butt AB, Ahmad B, Rao MA, Asif S, Ali A, Akram S, Arshad A. 2023. Role of diacerin in different grades of osteoarthritis. Biological and Clinical Sciences Research Journal.
  13. Zafar U, Khalid A, Nazir S, Khaliq S. 2022. Correlation of Serum Alanine Aminotransferase with Anthropometric & Biochemical obesity indices in apparently healthy males. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 16(4):45-47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2216245
  14. Waheed AA, Nawaz R, Riaz M, Ahmad B, Faisal S, Zafar S. 2022. Evaluation of liver function test abnormalities in patients having COVID-19 according to severity of disease. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.
  15. Zafar U, Ali Z, Khalid A, Zaki S, Naeem FJ, Chaudhry MA. Difficulty index, discrimination index, sensitivity and specificity of single best answer questions to assess medical student’s performance in send up examination at Lahore Medical & Dental College. Pakistan Journal of Physiology. 2022 Sep 30;18(3):44-47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.69656/pjp.v18i3.1472
  16. Khalid A, Nazir S, Zafar U, Ali Z, Asrar A, Chaudhry AM. 2022. Perception of students regarding Clinico-Physiological conference (CPC); an innovative educational intervention: a cross sectional study. J. Xi’an Shiyou Univ. Nat. Sci. Ed. 18 (6), 422-430.
  17. Khalid A, Gill M, Nazir S, Farooq N, Naeem FJ, Ali Z, Zafar U, Qureshi HJ. 2022. Serum Estradiol levels during First Trimester of Pregnancy. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences. 16(7):108-. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22167108
  18. Zafar U, Ali Z, Khaliq S. 2022. Correlation of insulin resistance with neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and serum ferritin in male patients of metabolic syndrome. J Pak Med Assoc. 72(4): 696-701. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.3300
  19. Ali Z, Zaki S, Khalid A, Ahmad S, Zafar U, Naz S. 2022. Relation between BMI, Total Leukocyte count and C Reactive Protein in Preeclampsia. PJHMS. 16(5):166-167
  20. Ali Z, Khaliq S. Hematological Markers: Emerging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Targets in Preeclampsia. 2022. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research: Hematology: Volume 5 (pp.192-226).
  21. Hashmi HB, Mubeen H, Ahmad S, Aslam J, Khalid A, Saddiqa A. 2022.Hyperglycemia as a Complication of COVID 19: An Observational Study. Journal of Sheikh Zaid Medical College: 13(4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.47883/jszmc.v13i4.234
  22. Rehman I, Shabbir F, Gill, Hameed S, Rasul A, Khalid A. 2022. Effect of Prunus Amagdalis (Almonds)   on testosterone in Atenolol-induced derangements in the hormonal profile of male Balb-cmice. PJMHS. 16(12). 18-. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2022161218
  23. Raziq MA, Gill M, Khalid A, Qamar MU, Sadaf H, Hafeez Z, Aslam M, Iqbal T. 2022. Lead in Breast Milk of Nursing Mothers Working in Agricultural Farms. PJHMS ; 16(8), 151-152. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22168151

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