Message from the
Chief Executive Officer
Medicine is not just an occupation or a career but a profession. We at Lahore Medical and Dental College, strive to instill in our students an appreciation of the meaning of service, a love of learning that will stay with them throughout their professional lives and a sense of duty to their patients, their colleagues and their community.
Lahore Medical and Dental College’s program in medical education is designed to foster excellence in the future leaders of medicine. The focus of our educational program is not merely the transfer of information but the transformation of the learner in a culture providing that ingenious combination of support and challenge that leads to education.

We all are facing massive changes in medical regulations designed by the new Pakistan Medical Commission. Some of these changes are quite unsettling for the young doctors i.e. National Licensing Examination. We, at LMDC promise to teach, train and equip you with sufficient knowledge to successfully cross this bridge of “NLE” with ease lnsha Allah.

Diplomate American Board of Radiology